About Us

In 1931 the water system was privately developed by Buckingham Colonies to serve Buckingham Park Subdivision No. 1, in 1947 the water system was expanded to provide service to Buckingham Park Subdivision No. 3, and in 1954 it was purchased and operated until 1976 by Alfred and Mary Augenstein. In 1976, continued water quality complaints by the residents of the subdivision prompted the Lake County Board of Supervisors to negotiate a lease purchase agreement for control of the water works. Two years later the Lake County Board of Supervisors were petitioned by the community in support of formation of the Buckingham Park County Water District, the voters of the District affirmed the formation, condemnation proceedings against the Augensteins commenced, and soon the Buckingham Park County Water District was established under California Water Code Sections 30000 through 33901. There were 260 active service connections when the District was established.
In conjunction with the formation of the Water District an Assessment District was formed to provide for improvements that would satisfy the water quality problems long endured by the residents of the subdivision. An improvement bond in the amount of $1,124,200 was issued and secured by assessments on the 611 parcels within the newly developed District Boundaries. The bond bares interest at a rate of 5% and has been paid in full and terminated in 2019.
During the years following the water works acquisition and original improvement project, three additional treatment plant and/or distribution system expansion projects have been constructed, which occurred in 1989, 1992 and 1993. To date, the District’s treatment capacity and distribution system capacity still do not accommodate build out of the parcels within its boundaries.
The District’s water rights are riparian to each and every parcel within the Buckingham Peninsula, regardless of whether or not the parcel abuts the lake. In 1989, the District’s Board of Directors removed the word County from the District’s business name; the District is, however, still governed under State of California, County Water District regulations.
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