Billing Overview

Customer Online Portal
We have upgraded our billing software and customers are now able to go online to view their accounts. On the customer portal you can view water usage past and current, view payment hystory, pay bills and set up automatic payments with a credit card, contact us and more. To log into the customer portal please use this link To create a portal you will need the name as it appears on your bill and your account number. If you need any help please give us a call at 707-279-8568.
Billing Cycle
Bills are generated monthly for the previous month's usage. Bills are prepared and mailed no later than the 5th day of the month.
Due Date
Bills are due upon receipt and will be considered late if not paid in full by 4 p.m on the last business day of the month.
An account becomes delinquent when full payment of the current bill is not received by by 4 p.m on the last business day of the month. Delinquent bills are subject to Carrying Charges referred to in the Rates & Fees Ordinance.