Appeal Process
Appealing Disputed Bills, Carrying Charges or Other Fees
- To prevent misunderstandings and to ensure account holders are afforded due process, the District's employees and directors shall not accept verbal appeals of disputed water bills or charges.
- An account holder desiring to dispute a water bill, carrying charge, other charge or fee shall be furnished with a copy of this appeal process or referred to the District’s website where the provisions of this section may be found.
- The appeal must be in writing and include the facts and reasons for appeal. The appeal may be made by US mail, e-mail or facsimile.
- The account holder must pay all charges not being disputed.
- The appeal and deposit must either be postmarked or be received by the District’s Secretary during posted business hours by the end of the fifteenth business day following the date of the bill being disputed.
- A disputed water bill, carrying charge or other fee must be appealed by the account holder in writing to the District within fifteen (15) business days of the date of the bill being disputed.
- The appeal will be placed on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors for consideration. The appeal, the account’s billing, payment and meter history shall be included with the appeal for the Board’s review.
- The account holder may appear at the Board meeting and present information to the Board for its consideration. The Board reserves the right to place reasonable time limits on the presentation. The account holder, in lieu of appearing, may submit in writing facts, circumstances or reasons supporting the appeal to the Board for their consideration.
- The Board will consider the appeal. The Board’s decision shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting during which the Board made its decision.
- The Board’s Secretary shall inform the account holder of the Board’s decision by letter via first class mail mailed to address of record for the account.
- If the Board approves the appeal, the appealed charges to be waived will be credit immediately to the customers account.
- The Board of Directors will work diligently to research all aspects of the appeal and in doing so will make fair and equitable decisions and all decision made by the Board of Directors will be final.
Appeal Form
If you would like to file an appeal, please print the "Appeal Form" and return it to our office for processing.
Appeal Form and process.pdf